Green Tree Ant

The green tree ant found in Northern Australia is a type of weaver ant found in many other places in the world.

The Australian ant is called either the green tree ant, or the weaver ant the weaver ant comes from a skill of theirs, because they build a nest out of woven leaves.

The coloring is what makes this incredible little builder different from his cousin the red weaver, which is found in another part of the world.

Green Tree Ant
Green Tree Ant

The green weaver also gets its name from that same coloration. It is grassy green, probably due to the fact that it lives in the trees.

Its body is a green or sometimes a pale yellow, and its jaws, or mandibles have ten teeth in them.

The weaver builds an amazing nest, which they make by using a silk that they produce from larvae. They use the silk to join the leaves together using the larvae.

Workers will carry the larvae in their jaws to the site of the new building, and then squeeze them lightly to make the silk, which they use to stick the leaves all together. If a leaf is out of reach of the group, they will form an ant bridge of sorts, which will help them connect the leaf to the new nest.

The nests become incredibly big and complex when they are completed. Some of them are a great deal larger than a basketball, but can be about a quarter of a mile long.

Weaver ants will attack intruders to defend their nest, or anything they believe to be an intruder.

They do not sting, but they do have venom of sorts that they rub into the bite using their stomach, which causes irritation.

Green tree ants eat vegetation and smaller invertebrates which they find on the vegetation.

Like most ant colonies they have a queen, who will arrive from a mating flight from another nest. She will start a small nest with her first eggs and then begin to breed worker ants to populate the colony.

Although the queen stays only in one nest, there are several nests in the colony and her eggs are distributed through out the other nests there.

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